November 18, 2024
Tzu Chi University’s ‘Silent Mentor’ program in Taiwan
By Tzu Chi Foundation
“While we live, our bodies are of use to us. After we pass away, they can be of even greater use for educating doctors to save lives.”
— Master Cheng Yen
Professor Guo-Fang Tseng has dedicated over 30 years to redefining medical education through Tzu Chi University’s ‘Silent Mentor’ program. These Silent Mentors—generous individuals who donated their bodies to science—are honored not as mere specimens but as invaluable teachers, each with a life story that students learn and respect.
Under Professor Tseng’s guidance, medical students gain not only technical skills but also a deep empathy and gratitude for their mentors, making each lesson a reminder of the compassion and humanity at the heart of medicine.
#TzuChi #SilentMentor #MedicalEducation #CadaverDonation #TzuChiUniversity