February 27, 2024
A New Year with Renewed Commitment
By Tzu Chi Davao
On February 18, 2024, Tzu Chi Davao joined its Tzu Chi Global family in celebrating the Annual New Year Blessing Ceremony—a yearly traditional pilgrimage. The ceremony took place at Davao Chong Hua High School, Sta. Ana, Davao City, with the theme "Let us spread the Dharma and benefit all beings through our faith, vows, and actions. Let us protect the earth by promoting a plant-based diet and doing good together."
The ceremony commenced with the opening remarks by Tzu Chi Davao Officer-In-Charge, Bro. Nelson Chua, who welcomed everyone. In his speech, he extended his thanks to all the partners, donors, and stakeholders across all programs for their constant support in making the four missions of the foundation a reality. "Thank you for supporting Tzu Chi and letting love spread far and wide in Davao," he remarked. He also extended his thanks to the entire Tzu Chi family for providing vision and guidance. "To our Tzu Chi families, thank you for letting the Tzu Chi Davao Liaison Office grow over the years," he added.
The two beneficiaries from the Educational Assistance Program (EAP) and Medical Assistance Program (MAP) gratefully thanked the Tzu Chi Foundation for their help and for making a huge impact in their lives. "I was able to reach this chapter and leave behind the burden that I have been carrying for years because of your help, Tzu Chi Foundation," one of the pioneer scholars of Tzu Chi Davao, Ms. Lanuza, said in her thanksgiving speech. On the other hand, Mr. Lanzaderas, a former recipient of Tzu Chi Davao's 2023 Medical Mission, also shared how grateful he was for the assistance he received. "I'll pray for the Tzu Chi Foundation's continued success so you can help more less fortunate people like me," he declared.
The ceremony evolved into a gathering place for partners from all programs that demonstrated their support for the Foundation. Dr. Jeneifer C. Nueva, USeP’s Vice President for Academic Affairs, graced the event. "Our university president is not here, but he would like to extend his thanks to the Tzu Chi Foundation for choosing our institution as your partner in your Educational Assistance Program," she said. Moreover, the Municipal Mayor of Kapalong, Ms. Maria Theresa R. Timbol, personally applauded the Tzu Chi Foundation for always supporting their IP's communities. "When I saw your annual accomplishments report video, I was not surprised; your organization has done marvelous things," she commended.
The ceremony became livelier as Tzu Chi Scholars, Tzu Chi Youths, and students from the Philippine Academy of Sakya-Davao and Davao Chong Hua High School showcased their talents in sign language and dancing.
The distribution of Ang Pao was one of the ceremony’s highlights, made more profound by the blessings given by Dharma Master Cheng Yen in her audio-visual message before it was distributed.
In her closing remarks, Tzu Chi Commissioner Sis. Molita Chua expressed her heartfelt gratitude to everyone. She emphasized that because of the collective efforts of all involved, Tzu Chi Davao can continue to extend its reach and help more people in need. The commitment and dedication of the volunteers, donors, and partners have been instrumental in achieving these milestones, and their diligence is truly praiseworthy.
A total of 300 individuals attended the celebration. Thus, Tzu Chi Davao presented gifts for everyone. Furthermore, "Tikoy" was given out to the attendees because it represents luck and wealth, and the New Year Blessing Ceremony would not be complete without it.