December 9, 2024
Tzu Chi Palo scholars hold environmental tutorial
By Dorothy Castro
Garden plants may seem like ordinary parts of our home, often taken for granted. However, for these young people, it is a significant step towards climate action.
On December 1, Tzu Chi Palo brought environmental protection to its community, inviting the youth for a learning experience about plants and their benefits to the household. The event, titled “Green Guardians: Roots and Growth Blooming Beginnings,” sought to teach the importance of plants in our environment and how the youth can contribute to a better ecosystem.
The one-day tutorial was held at the Palo Great Love Village, a permanent housing recently turned over to families who resided in Tzu Chi’s temporary prefabricated houses after Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) in 2013. Children aged 7-13 participated in this activity led by Tzu Chi scholars.
For these driven scholars, taking on this task as part of their community service is their way of sharing the knowledge they gain from their monthly Humanity classes.
“We chose the youth because we know how important it is for them to learn as early as now,” says Roxanne Dayata, project assistant at Tzu Chi Palo.
Children participated in a lively discussion on environmental protection led by scholar Trixie Mae Masocol. The kids also put their creativity to the test, as each group drew an image of how they could help fight climate change.
Making the learning process fun and easy, the hands-on activity started from the comfort of the children’s homes: by planting decorative plants that not only serve as a refreshing view but also as a key to sustaining the environment.
According to the University of Southern California Agriculture and Natural Resources, gardening helps decrease pollution, nurtures biodiversity, and reduces climate change. Through the simple gesture of nurturing garden and house plants, children can help protect the environment.
This activity is part of Tzu Chi Palo’s recyclable landscaping project, a unique way to beautify the community sustainably.
Through this activity, Tzu Chi Palo fulfills the mission of Tzu Chi founder Dharma Master Cheng Yen on environmental protection, putting great importance on fighting climate change and caring for the environment while fostering a healthy community.