April 11, 2024
Tzu Chi donates GI sheets to Tondo fire victims
By Joy Rojas
Less than two weeks after a fire razed a reported 140 homes in Barangay 105, Tondo, Manila, on the evening of March 21, 625 low-income families affected by the blaze each received four galvanized iron (GI) sheets from the Tzu Chi Foundation. The GI sheets would help fire victims begin the arduous task of rebuilding their homes from scratch.
Tzu Chi volunteers, staff members, and scholars who conducted the distribution in the community’s covered court were in Barangay 105 twice before. The first time was to hand out packed vegetarian meals on the night of the fire, the second was in the afternoon of the following day to offer bread to community members.
“Food was an immediate need during that time since the affected were busy settling in the evacuation centers,” says Tzu Chi Charity Department volunteer Tina Pasion. “The food that Tzu Chi gave complemented the existing food distribution efforts of Manila Department of Social Welfare.”
Having overcome a fire in her community only last December 12, Barangay 105 Chairwoman Elenita “Leny” Reyes specifically requested for GI sheets from Tzu Chi. “It’s important that people have a roof above their heads. My apologies, it was awkward of me to ask, but I just wanted the volunteers to know how they could be of help to us.”
Tzu Chi was happy to accede. “Nobody would think of giving them GI sheets, but that is actually what they need. Without a roof, they would take cover anywhere,” says Tzu Chi volunteer Sharon Sy. “Chairwoman Leny also said that each time they look at the GI sheets, they’ll remember Tzu Chi and how volunteers gave from the heart.”
The fire, which started in on the second floor of the residential building Aroma Temporary Housing, was supposedly set off by someone’s cooking left unattended. “Of course I’m very sad about what happened,” says the chairwoman. “The saying is true: It’s better to be robbed than to experience a fire. In a fire, you lose everything, and you don’t know where to go or how to begin.”
For Tzu Chi scholar Orvie Prepole, the fire hit close to home on so many levels. Orvie, a BS Information Technology sophomore at Unibersidad De Manila, lives in nearby Barangay 101, “so I recognized a number of the beneficiaries that lined up.” Growing up, he too witnessed a fire in his neighborhood, but was fortunate that his family’s home was spared by the blaze.
As a first-time volunteer, Orvie was glad to help ease the sadness and hardships of fire victims. “Especially during Tzu Chi prayers,” he says. “I could see that they were moved to tears. Just imagine, you worked so hard for what you have, only to lose it all. How are you going to recover? If that happened to me, I wouldn’t know what to do.”
Victims of fires and other disasters can count of Tzu Chi to help them pick up the pieces after an unfortunate event. With the donated GI sheets now on the roofs of her community members’ new homes, Chairman Leny says, “We salute Tzu Chi. They’re tried and tested and very organized in their distribution. Our heartfelt thanks to you for the help you extended to Barangay 105. We can’t repay you in kind, but we support you with our prayers. May God ensure that your foundation continues to grow.”