October 5, 2022
Help the victims of Super Typhoon Karding
Help the victims of Super Typhoon Karding. Join our efforts to rebuild their lives.
Donate to Tzu Chi by scanning the QR codes shown in the photo, or through the following bank accounts.
Account Name: Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation Philippines
BDO Account No.: 011978001800
Metrobank Account No.: 163-3-16307190-9
Please send sof copy of deposit slips to donations@tzuchi.org.ph or through Viber/Line/WeChat: +63967 211 0940
Official receipts will be provided.
Thank you so much!
Donate to Tzu Chi by scanning the QR codes shown in the photo, or through the following bank accounts.
Account Name: Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation Philippines
BDO Account No.: 011978001800
Metrobank Account No.: 163-3-16307190-9
Please send sof copy of deposit slips to donations@tzuchi.org.ph or through Viber/Line/WeChat: +63967 211 0940
Official receipts will be provided.
Thank you so much!